Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall For ALL-A Nanowrimo and Creativity Event

DANG! We did not have enough people for this event so we had to cancel.

Questions for this event can be emailed to and

Nanowrimo writers and others!

Looking For a GREAT Writing & Creativity Experience?

Then join us for a fun and productive day at our

Fall for ALL
Writing and Creativity Event
on Saturday, November 5 in Holden, MO at the Holden Middle School, 301 Eagle Drive.

For the price of your drive and $10.00 for snacks, drinks, and a tasty catered lunch, you will get FREE writing workshops and FREE creativity activities from Presenters:
Budding YA author and Heartland RA & RWA member, G. Aliceson Edwards
Technical and Motivational Guru Julie Brunner

If you would rather just write in the company of other writers for the day or enhance your creative abilities and not write a novel, then that’s okay too. Do what works for YOU!

Tentative Schedule-November 5

9:45-10:00 Registration with coffee and snacks

10:00 - What is Nanowrimo?

10:15-10:30- Creativity introduction with an activity.

10:30-11:15 - Breakout session 1 - Pick either Basic Novel Writing Today or Creativity Activities for Fun .

11:15-12:00 Breakout session 2 - “Characterization, Conflicts, and Dialogue, Oh My!” or Using Tech Tools to Enhance Creativity

12:00 – 12:45 Luncheon and Sharing
"The Color Orchestra" sensory-stimulation activity.

12:45– 1:30 Breakout Session 3 – Let’s Get Serious and Write or 10 Faces of Innovation

1:30-2:30 Breakout Session 4 –Challenges, Write or Die, and other Weird Tools or Creative Problem Solving

2:30-3:00 Wrap-up, Optional participation in a time to share work

Remember-All activities are optional and you can participate in as many or none if you prefer. We can even offer you a quiet room to write and write some more!

Bring your own laptops or use our numerous computers.

Moment of Brillance!

I have missed my blog! But the start of school has been horrible for a number of reasons and the students were not any of those. But I am moving on to what I hope are better days ahead.

I haven't been writing and I know realize that although I am still very dedicated to teaching and to my students, I am a writer at heart. I grieve when I don't feel like I have time to do it.

I am doing some writing things. I am helping with my writing group's contest. I am planning a neat event for my students. Today, my husband and I are going to the Longview literature festival and I am wearing my writers' group's shirt that is new.

But no writing.

I have the latest O magazine-that I don't have time to read yet-and its title is "Find Your True Calling!" That title intrigued me because I feel at this point in my life I am ready for a new calling. Being a daughter and a sister and a wife and a mother and later a grandmother has been my true calling. And I am one of those people who has seen teaching as a true calling too. And the combination of those things in my life have brought me such true joy. But I think I have room for one more and am ready to go for it.

Writing. I have started on this journey. I have been learning and practicing tons of technique. I have always been a story teller and that "art" has also brought me much joy over the years. I love a good story deftly shared.

I finally "finished" my first complete novel this past summer. I still need to do some revisions, but I cried when the book was done because I did feel all of the emotions as if I had given birth. I didn't cry for actual births of my children, but I'm older now and my characters and their hard choices affected me.

I have been preparing for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month-50,000 word challenge) My friend Julie and I are working on a cool event for it and I plan to hold some writing events for my students. I also plan to participate myself. I have been trying in recent weeks to come up with a cool project to write about this year. Because a book is so labor intensive, you not only need a good premise, but you need one that excites you and compels you and that you genuinely like. You gotta to want to read it before you ask someone else to do it.

AND I HAVE AN IDEA! And it is a good one! And it is a story that I want to read! And it is a story that gives me the opportunity to take one of the areas where I am happiest and use my knowledge to help others.

I can't wait!