This post will be a little different than my usual and feel free not to read it if the topic is not your thing. However, I hope you learn something. I did. I hope I don't get flagged for this post!
If I made mistakes, I will try to fix them. Be patient.
If you know me, you know I am not much of a gun toting person. I have been surrounded by them for years-guns and gun-toters too, but weapons are just not my thing. I don't watch shoot 'em up movies and I sometimes make fun of "macho" guys. But I got the opportunity to meet some real gun-toting guys this weekend and they truly impressed me with their knowledge and skills. I would want them on my side if I ever needed them.
My writing group Heartland Romance Authors spent over three hours with two member of the Blue Springs Police Depart Special Tactical Assistance Team or their version of a SWAT team. Basically they go in and get the people nobody else wants to go after or they are a quick response for people who really need help quickly. They are a part-time team and have other police or detective jobs too.
We learned about the communication systems for their own agency, local KC agencies, Missouri, and the Nation, as well as, a privately owned system detectives use. They then shared information about the training they receive and certifications necessary. These include quarterly training on five different weapons systems, hostage rescue, armed barricade, active shooters, suicidal subjects, and dignity protection. Blue Springs is one of the first responders for the Lake City Munitions Plant and they must train for that area too. Most recently they have added and trained medics who now go into crime areas with them. This procedure change was brought about by the nation's responders studying the shootings at Columbine.
We learned a Vanilla Barricade is someone who is alone without hostages or bystanders with them. Chatter refers to communication that can indicate an increased national threat depending on the amount. Fatal funnels are doorways. I even know what a picatinny rail is for now. Knock warrants mean they must first announce themselves and No Knock Warrants mean the people the are going after must be taken into custody quickly because of their danger potential. These No Knock Warrants are rare. We learned police cannot talk to each other to debrief immediately after a shooting because they may be called to testify. They sometimes find out that things were actually different from their own perspective later when the information can be shared.
Their gear includes a Kevlar helmet and a tactical vest with pockets and ceramic or composite shields within. The vest holds cuffs, shotgun rounds, rope to tie off doors and other things, wooden wedges to hold open or closed doors, slugs and extra magazines, and an attached weapon sling. They use a drop leg holster usually with a 9mm with an attached light on it. They also have a gas mask with interchangeable filters. And some versions of no fire tear gas.
They were quite knowledgeable on the varieties of things they use besides actual guns. We saw a well-used battering ram that is operated by one individual alone. We learned about and witnessed them dumping a Flash Bang Canister that is deployed as a diversionary tactic with bright light and a loud boom after the pin has been pulled and spoon released. We saw Smoke canisters that allow officers to move without being seen, traditional tear gas (which is actually not gas, but particles), the bean bags that look like little squids, some pellets that looked like they would be painful, and a couple types of bean bag rounds. TKO rounds will take out the hinges or lock on a door but not penetrate through the door protecting those who need it on the other side. Training exercises now use air soft weapons for some of their training. I now understand why it is so hard to differentiate between a 9mm weapon and a toy gun.
The actual guns used by the team include their 9mm handguns, a Heckler Koch MP-Sub Machine Gun, an HK 416 225, which is an expensive gun, but runs cooler than most of the their others, with an eotech holigraphic site, and a shotgun M1 Super 90 Semi-Automatic by Benelli. This gun can shoot so fast that if you can pull the trigger fast enough, you can shoot five times before the first round has time to drop. It runs hot in more way than one. All of these guns have a light attached.
The sniper rifle was a Remington 700 PSS, single click, with a polished trigger mechanism. It has a concave muzzle, a fluted barrel which is floated off the rest of the gun and held by the receiver to allow for the gun to have the least amount of change in the barrel due to temperature changes. Snipers work in teams with one person spotting and the other prepared to shoot.
We were also allowed to go into their vehicle they used to go to crime areas and learned that stacking truck meant having each person sit in the order of their position into the situation. They also shared the saying, "The first casualty in is always the plan." I am still happy though they get out of their van with one in place even they have to adapt it quickly.
I am glad I got this opportunity to see how competent, knowledgeable, and well-trained these law enforcement professionals were. Many people are quick to point out if mistakes are made, but I came to realize last Saturday just what is involved in being a member of a tactical team. Again, I want people like this who are willing and able to take the needed risks to help people who need it. I am glad they are willing to be our shield.

Nice job condensing 3 hours worth of information, Goldie. That was a lot of fun. While I have always had plenty of respect for the boys in blue, after spending the afternoon with them Saturday, my respect went up.