Let's start with 2011. I wrote two YA novels. One suspense and one romance. I attended two Missouri writing conferences. I got my first request and official rejection for a full. I spoke about writing for a school. I participated in and completed Nanowrimo for myself and ran a program of it for my students. I helped run an RWA contest. I judged numerous contest entries. I made connections with numerous YA writers. I upped my writing presence with twitter. I attended several critiques. I worked for my writing group at a literature festival.
Now 2012. I joined another writing group and am looking forward to those meetings and retreat. I organized my office and can now use two monitors at once for editing. I wrote some more. I took an online class. I have been asked to speak at a couple of local events.
But here is what I plan to do in 2012.
I am going to finish edits on two books and truly get them out to others to be critiqued. I am going to enter two contests to get some outside eyes on my work. And then I am going to query a lot. This summer I will write another book with my eye on doing a YA series. I will attend more writing group meetings and critiques and maybe even a conference or two. I will also work on my other goals of being a speaker.
And I will enjoy working on my new career. (Not quite done with the old one yet, but preparing.)
These are good things.