Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interesting Readers

I really need to pick up my blogging. I looked at my stats and I am a world wide resource. How cool.

Pageviews by Countries
United States 635
Russia 39
Germany 30
Brazil 23
United Kingdom 21
Ukraine 20
Iraq 17
Turkey 17
Vietnam 13
Hungary 11

Thank you world!

Changes in the air!

Blog and blog readers you have been missed!

I have been busy working on planning my future as I decided what to do with regard to ending my teacher career and seriously applying myself to my writing and editing one.

Tons of information has been gathered and evaluated in all areas and my plan is in place. I am trying to maintain steady progress toward my goals, but excitement always makes me want to jump ahead.

Here are some of the things I have been doing.

Went to retirement office in Jeff City to check out when I will check out of teaching. (A career I still love! But I want to try something else soon.)

Learned about the actual money involved in publishing books. What goes out and what comes in. I think I can make this career work for me afford to eat.

Sat some actual writing goals with time involved.

Applied to do an unpaid internship with an editing house. I plan to do more of this in the future.

Met with some writing friends, critiqued some work, went to writing group meetings, read a good book on writing, and am working on judging some RWA contests.

Next, it is focus, focus, focus on getting some writing polished and out to readers.

Uh..., I gotta go. I have a career to make happen.