A fake letter from the granddaughter of this author.
Dear author fans,
My grandma is an author and sometimes that is great!
Wait, forget that one!
TOO embarrassing.
There TONS of FREE books and S.W.A. G. presents.
And you might be mentioned or have your name in a real book, like I did.
See acknowledgements and pg. 144 of Mirror Images
But here is some advice. Watch out when she wants to use you to practice parts of her books...like drowning a little girl...yes, this happened.
And be VERY afraid if her next book is called Explosive Charges and you see her with a lighter.
The one thing you can say about having an author such as G. A. Edwards as your grandma, is that it's never boring.
Finally, always be nice to her or you might end up in her next book.
The granddaughter