Thursday, January 20, 2011


Snow days bring no school and an opportunity to write! They also bring grandchildren who can impede the process. However, once I make it through my waffle making requirements...I am going to try.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Writing things to love

Sometimes with all my pressures in life, I forget how much I love to write. And I do love it.
Then, why does it not happen as much as I like? Ummmmmm. Well, there is a LOT going on. But the truth is, I don't make it the priority in my life that I should.

I think I will BECOME a writer, but don't think I am there yet. Someone told me I AM writer now. I need to remember that and the simple joy writing brings me.

I was recently shamed...I always make the excuse that my writing situation has to be perfect. Perfect environment, perfect storyline, perfect silence. Perfect excuses. Perfect procrastinator!

The woman who unintentionally shamed me shared that she writes with her kids seated at her table in their minion chairs. She writes, they color and craft. Wow! Another of the most prolific writers I know, has animals, jobs, and kids all over the place. And they get things accomplished.

My goal...Don't make excuses. Don't wait for perfect. Do IT!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Put Your Dukes Up

Today has been a particularly trying day with family illness interactions involved. I am tired, but I made a goal to write EVERY day in 2011 and I don't want to mess that up...even if it is only a few sentences.

My topic...What to do with people you don't like.

Sometimes you don't like some people. I am lucky. Out of all the people in the world that I have met, I really like most of them. I can think of one girl in high school I didn't like. I've got a cousin I am not so fond of. I know one woman in town I don't really like. And although teachers aren't supposed to admit this, out of the 2500+ kids I have taught, I really only disliked two. Most of the students who caused trouble I had faith that they would outgrow it. And if I met those two students I didn't like again, I am fairly certain I still wouldn't like them.

And there are only two other people in my life I really just do NOT like. I don't think they are "okay" people and unlike other people who I sometimes cut some slack for because they don't know any better; these two people know better and choose to be jerks.

When I was younger I would have tried to change that. I would have tried to find something good to like about them. But after many long years, I have found it is okay not to like everyone. Not everyone likes me.

But what to do? A friend of mine told me a favorite quote this week. If people are dragging you down, let go. How much easier my life and everyone's lives would be if people just let go.

So what do I recommend for dealing with people you don't like. 1) Limit your interactions. 2) When forced to be around them, be as pleasant as you can. 3) Stand up for yourself if necessary, but otherwise let it roll off of you. Remember there are people who love you and want to be around you AND you can be with them soon. 4) After you leave LAUGH with joy in the car because you are in a better place. In other words, just let go.

I am doing better in my old age of just letting go.

My old way...The first person I didn't like is the only person I ever punched in the face. They did something horrible to me and I punched them with everything I had in me.

And this is the part where I should say how much I regretted acting like that. Not gonna happen. To this day, I never regretted that punch for one second. They deserved it. Did they drag me down to their level? Maybe. But I prefer to think I showed them what it felt to be dragged down to their own level. It hurt.

When dealing with someone you don't like, pick your best path to help you let it go. And try not to punch people.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Music and the Beast

I am really writing this post, because I promised myself I would write something each day. Of course today was filled with family health crisis, endless meetings at school, planning the first day for students, grocery shopping, and spending the evening in the city for tutoring. Busy.

Now it is bed time and because I did not have time to do much walking today or go to the gym, I did the 20 minute dance it the dark for the neighbors' sakes.

Tonight's topic focuses on the music that gave me the opportunity to shake my groove my case it is most assuredly groove THINGS. PLURAL!

One of my greatest treasures in life is music. They say it soothes the savage beast. I love it, so maybe I am the beast. I know my hair in the morning resembles beastly roadkill.

Isn't it great that everyone can enjoy music no matter your skills. I have little instrumental ability and am an enthusiastic but poor singer. And I am clumsy. And none of this matters to me when the music comes on. I play it, sing it, and shake it.

I just wanted to note how much music improves what I accomplish in life. I like to rock out to hip hop, fast oldies, and I have even been know to shake the van blaring some rap. I listen when driving, when doing housework, when grading, when walking or working out, and when writing. Sometimes I am conscious of what I am listening to, but more often I am moving along with the rhythm and beat as I go.

Writers love to have music on when writing. Some go a little more classical, but many don't. We all have our favorites and woe to the person who messes up your flow, because they have messed with your music.

To me music and writing are a lot alike. When you are in the zone, you don't hear the outside distractions. It's just you and your characters moving along. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes with loud crashes, or sometimes soft whispers, and sometimes with you left panting and heart pounding as you struggle through the action with your characters.

That is the true music of a writer. All the beats and rests and cadences of your story are your song. Can you hear it? I do.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Whatcha Doin?

In 2011, my answer is going to be WRITING! I've said it before and I know everyone begins the year with good intentions, but I am going to try to put action to words. My goal is to write something every single day in 2011. My further goal is to try to make those words worthwhile and toward a goal of actually completing some of the things I have started.

So here are my writing goals.

By February's end complete to my satisfaction (which is the most difficult part for the perpetual editor) Mirror Images.

March and April-Revisit Don't Be Koi and finish.

May-July-Move on to my next project.

Then regroup and see where I am.

Now, I have many other goals along the way and that is what gets in the way for the primary ones.

What I would like to do in 2011.
Publish something. Short Story, Article, Something.
Do some presentations on Writing to schools and libraries.
Enter something in a some contests.
Go to some writers' conferences.
Go to NYC to National Conference.
Become instantly thinner with a beauty queen smile.

Lets see what I can accomplish!