Today has been a particularly trying day with family illness interactions involved. I am tired, but I made a goal to write EVERY day in 2011 and I don't want to mess that up...even if it is only a few sentences.
My topic...What to do with people you don't like.
Sometimes you don't like some people. I am lucky. Out of all the people in the world that I have met, I really like most of them. I can think of one girl in high school I didn't like. I've got a cousin I am not so fond of. I know one woman in town I don't really like. And although teachers aren't supposed to admit this, out of the 2500+ kids I have taught, I really only disliked two. Most of the students who caused trouble I had faith that they would outgrow it. And if I met those two students I didn't like again, I am fairly certain I still wouldn't like them.
And there are only two other people in my life I really just do NOT like. I don't think they are "okay" people and unlike other people who I sometimes cut some slack for because they don't know any better; these two people know better and choose to be jerks.
When I was younger I would have tried to change that. I would have tried to find something good to like about them. But after many long years, I have found it is okay not to like everyone. Not everyone likes me.
But what to do? A friend of mine told me a favorite quote this week. If people are dragging you down, let go. How much easier my life and everyone's lives would be if people just let go.
So what do I recommend for dealing with people you don't like. 1) Limit your interactions. 2) When forced to be around them, be as pleasant as you can. 3) Stand up for yourself if necessary, but otherwise let it roll off of you. Remember there are people who love you and want to be around you AND you can be with them soon. 4) After you leave LAUGH with joy in the car because you are in a better place. In other words, just let go.
I am doing better in my old age of just letting go.
My old way...The first person I didn't like is the only person I ever punched in the face. They did something horrible to me and I punched them with everything I had in me.
And this is the part where I should say how much I regretted acting like that. Not gonna happen. To this day, I never regretted that punch for one second. They deserved it. Did they drag me down to their level? Maybe. But I prefer to think I showed them what it felt to be dragged down to their own level. It hurt.
When dealing with someone you don't like, pick your best path to help you let it go. And try not to punch people.
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