Wednesday, June 1, 2011

School's OUT!

School's out! School's out! Teacher let the TEACHER out!

Hurray! I am officially finished for was a really LONG year! (Okay, a couple of meetings, but not too bad.)

I love summer vacation! Although I would like to point out that I never get three months off. We end late and start early and I have recover and prepare for school year onslaught on my time.

But for is summer. I can sleep late if I want, don't have to wash clothes during the weekend, eat lunch in restaurants, and wear comfortable my all day pajamas. I can garden, go shopping, swim, and visit with friends and family.

But I can also write. And thank goodness. End of school I am just too busy. I know others can work, raise kids, and still write. I have found I simply cannot. Maybe it is my age or maybe teaching is harder...and it is, I find myself too tired at night to write.

So, now is my golden time. I can organize, regroup, set new goals, and get to meet with the other writers I do not have time to meet with during the year. I can write early or late and as much or as often as I want without having to hurry off to take care of something. I can shut the door to my office, crank the volume on my I-pod, and actually have regular writing time.

But first...laundry.

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