This is some great SWAG (Stuff We All Get) and some other things I purchased or won from the Romancing the Ozarks Conference or ORA Con 2011 attended in Springfield, MO on Saturday, July 23rd. The one-day conference was great. It focused on romance writing, but any fiction writer would have benefited. I traveled down with HeRA member Sherry S. It was lots of fun just talking together about writing and our families. And she knew how to get to Lambert's Home of the Throwed Rolls. That meal alone would have made the trip worthwhile, but add in that the speakers at the conference were great. Shannon Vannatter, Leigh Michaels, and my friends Shannon K. Butcher and Eliza Lloyd put on some entertaining and informative programs that were a big help to experienced and newbie writers. Editor Lia Brown and agent Louise Fury were helpful and approachable. It was a good conference for someone who has never been to one and a good conference for people who wanted to go to another great one!
And I got to see some of my other HeRA-ites that I haven't for awhile. Amanda and Janice!
Kudos to the Ozarks Romance Authors for a well organized event! I even got free stuff, won some great stuff in the raffle, and bought some great resources for myself.
Next year's conference is Saturday, June 23rd and will feature Agent Lucienne Diver and Author Rob Thurman. Go, it is worth your effort!
The Clarion Conference facilities and luncheon was great!
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