It's one of those days in writer world. Frustrating. I am not patient when it comes to establishing a new career as a writer and a speaker. I want to be perfect at it. And I am not.
Of course I wasn't perfect in my last career as a teacher either, but I had been doing it for so long and with enough identifiable successes I felt more secure that I was being successful and offering something to the world. I remember being upset when I was unable to help a student whose home life offered numerous challenges. Someone said to me, "You can't save them all." And as much as it killed me to admit, they were right. I couldn't. But I could and did try to do the little I could. I didn't change their worlds overall, but I was able to help them a little.
I am not that point of confidence as a writer and speaker. This world is still a difficult place for me to feel as if I am making measurable headway. Some days I feel like I am floating, untethered and woefully unsure that I will ever offer a contribution worthy of anyone's time or up to the quality of what I want to do. Overwhelmed, isn't just a word around here. Yes, I know doubt is something all writers share, as do people in general, but it isn't fun.
Today I ran across a short article about approaching life. Basically the message was nice way to say, "Eat an elephant one bite at a time." I have heard this before. But I needed the reminder. This version was, "Don't set out to change the world, just do the next best thing. Every day." It's good advice.
I am off to put a boot in doubt's face, and do my next best thing.
thanks for the post. I needed to hear it right now, too.