Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pseudo Writer No More- Or up, up, and away. Again.

My confession is that I have been a pseudo writer until now. I have played at it successfully. I have actually accomplished a few things of merit, but it has not been my career. And I blame having been a teacher. I have focused on giving my best to teaching. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED teaching. My students rank right under my close family and friends in the loves of my life and frankly, I have spent more time with student than anyone else in my life. It is hard to think that I am not officially a teacher any longer. As one of my friends put it, "Being a teacher has been your identity." And my teacher friends will appreciate this idea. Being a teacher is a way of life and not just a job. And I had worked hard enough that I pretty much had it mastered. Now, although I have been learning craft and business and making writing connections, I am back at the beginning of a career. A demanding career at that. And just like teaching, my success is going to depend on my abilities and willingness to work hard and learn as I go. I can't decide if that is easier or harder at 48. When I was a new teacher I was too young to realize when I wanted to do something that wouldn't work or to go where it wasn't socially appropriate to accomplish what I needed to do. Now that I am older and wiser I worry that worry will prevent me from taking the necessary dive off the cliff with just the belief that all will turn out right. As I read over my previous posts I see a lot of starts and re-starts and I think that is okay. I don't know that a taking flight analogy is often thought of in context to me, but I think it is appropriate for starting something new in your life. You kind of stick your neck out a little, try a few running starts at your goal, some of them false, and often get your feelings hurt too. But each attempt or little hop is hopefully one in the right direction. I think I have what it takes to be successful. I have been paying attention, growing in some literary feathers, and building up my courage. It is time to embrace my new identity as a writer and commit to doing the hard work needed to take off toward the edge of the cliff and hopefully soar. Or at least bounce high enough off of the bottom to try again. And feel free to comment or follow my blog. I would appreciate it.


  1. I admit. It's scary to take that leap but then it's fun too. As long as you are happy, smilin' and enjoyin' yourself, do it. When it's not fun anymore. Do something else.
    Thank you for being a teacher. The world is a better place for it.


Hey, what did you think of what I had to say today? Leave me a comment and we'll interact a little.