Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back in the Saddle. Again.

Here I go in the world of writing and kind of living again too.  The last two weeks have not been the most productive in the writing world for me. There were pluses and minuses both.  First, I spent some quality time with my son who was home on leave from the Army.  Always a plus!  Great visiting and he helped me with some computer issues that will make me more productive overall.  Then I wasn't feeling well for a week, but I did catch up on some reading.  Since reading is like breathing to me, I never stop it completely, but writing does take me away from it somewhat. And I did get to do a lot of research on authors and the industry too.  I found a neat class that I can use to help me bridge my academic background as teacher to my literary goals.

One thing I did get done was turning in my first report as an intern for Entangled Publishing, LLC's editor, Karen Grove.  She is graciously allowing me to read some of the inbox for the New Adult area of publishing.  It is like Young Adult, but based more for the older teen to early twenties group.  I am already learning a great deal about what is ready to be sent to an agent and what is not.  Plan to apply some of this knowledge to my own work soon.

I have also learned there is more to keeping track of business expenses than I ever want to know.  The idea of having to do it myself for a writing career motivates me to try to make enough money to hire someone else to do it!

So I am off to slay some dragons today. New intern material to review, local writer's contest to help organize, and volunteering at the local school this evening.  I'm reading something.  No surprise there.

Tomorrow, I write.  If the weather is as promised for the rest the week, I may have the opportunity to be shut in for few days and write a lot.  That is exciting to me!

Hope your writing goals get met today!

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