Sunday, January 2, 2011

Whatcha Doin?

In 2011, my answer is going to be WRITING! I've said it before and I know everyone begins the year with good intentions, but I am going to try to put action to words. My goal is to write something every single day in 2011. My further goal is to try to make those words worthwhile and toward a goal of actually completing some of the things I have started.

So here are my writing goals.

By February's end complete to my satisfaction (which is the most difficult part for the perpetual editor) Mirror Images.

March and April-Revisit Don't Be Koi and finish.

May-July-Move on to my next project.

Then regroup and see where I am.

Now, I have many other goals along the way and that is what gets in the way for the primary ones.

What I would like to do in 2011.
Publish something. Short Story, Article, Something.
Do some presentations on Writing to schools and libraries.
Enter something in a some contests.
Go to some writers' conferences.
Go to NYC to National Conference.
Become instantly thinner with a beauty queen smile.

Lets see what I can accomplish!

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